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Writer's pictureScofield Studios

Movies I Think That Will Suck In 2022

Updated: Dec 28, 2021

There are some movies coming out in 2022 that might not be as good as I hope for.

Avatar 2

Yes, I think this movie will be horrible. I don't even get why people are getting excited for this movie. I get it's James Cameron but, come on, do we really need a sequel to James Cameron most forgettable film. I didn't even think it was that good. It wasn't bad but it's definitely not what you expect from James Cameron. Also, he is spending a lot of time on this movie and hasn't made a film other than Alita: Battle Angel in the last 10 years. We could've got a Terminator movie directed and written by him or something original but instead, he is using all this time making a sequel to a film that doesn't really set up a sequel. Yes, it's James Cameron, but even the greatest of directors can make a flop. Look no further than Steven Spielberg and Indiana Jones 4 for evidence.

Squid Game Season 2

I know it's not a movie but it's definitely worth mentioning. Squid Game took the world by storm and is now a part of pop-culture. Now let me tell you what you probably don't know. The writer of the show, Hwang Dong Hyuk, spent an entire decade writing the script for it. He lost teeth to do stress and worked hard on the show. Considering that it took him 10 years to perfect the first season, it's probably worth mentioning that Season 2 is coming out next year. That means he has a tenth of the time to work on writing season 2 then he did in season 1. Actually, less time because filming is expected to begin early 2022. That means he has less time to think of the story and develop it. It's also worth mentioning that the final episode of the show was probably the worst received of all the episodes, meaning that the set-up for season 2 doesn't sound that great so far. Fingers crossed though!


Why is this movie going to suck? Because it's directed by Michael Bay. Nothing else to be said.

Indiana Jones 5

Remember when this movie was supposed to come out in 2018? Well now it's 2021 and it is rumored that it will be pushed back to 2023. THATS A 5 YEAR DELAY! As far as I care at this point, it will come out in 2035 and Indiana Jones will be in a wheelchair. Also, even though I think Indiana Jones 4 is much better than people give it credit for, using its 1940s setting and cinematography at full effect, it's definitely the weakest of all of them. You could say that Steven Spielberg learned his lesson, but since he likes the 4th movie, I bet it will suffer the same flaws. I will give it credit though for 2 things. 1, it has Mads Mikkelsen who will probably play the villain, and I like him as an actor, and 2, West Side Story is getting some great reviews, so it has a better chance at being good compared to the others because Steven Spielberg is involved.

The Willy Wonka Reboot

The Timothée Chalamet Willy Wonka movie is a terrible idea from a terrible idea. The Johnny Deph Willy Wonka movie was creepy, awkward, and not funny. I could give it points for cinematography but other than that, it's not a good movie. So, you know what would be a good idea? Let's make another reboot! Actually, this is a prequel about a young Willy Wonka played by Timothee Chalamet who is a very good actor. But Johnny Deph was a good actor too, and he did horrible when he played Willy Wonka. Also, who wants a prequel to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory or even wants to see Willy Wonka when he was younger? What made him an intriguing character was the mystery behind him. In the movie he always surprised you with his big rooms that went against the laws of physics and common sense. We don't need a backstory to him because it will just ruin what made him interesting in the first place. I may still see this film because I'm interested to see what it will look like, but I definitely don't have high hopes for it.

And there you go, the movies I predict will suck in 2022. Let's all hope I'm wrong!


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