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Top 10 Best South Park Characters

Updated: May 5, 2022

South Park has a very colorful cast of characters, but who are the best characters out of all of them? Which South Park characters carry the most laughs, and which ones are basically carrying the show? These are the top 10 best characters on South Park. Also, we all have our different favorite characters, so remember that this is just my opinion.

10-Harrison Yates

A highlight of the later seasons, Harrison Yates is the racist, ignorant, and utterly horrible police chef that gets a laugh out of me every time he’s on screen. Not only is he good social commentary on current-day police, but stuff like him becoming a teacher during Covid-19 to shooting Kenny is all the dark humor and commentary I enjoy from South Park.

9-Gerald Broflovski

This guy always gives the vibes of Homer Simpson. There are many times where he sees an opportunity to make money, and he jumps right into it. My favorite episode with him is “Sexual Harassment Panda”, where he represents everyone in town while they try to sue the other person. There was also the time when he became an internet troll and made most of the problems in season 20. Something makes him always fun to watch as you see how far he will go to lie and scam people, while staying charismatic.


The “Oh my God- they killed Kenny!” jokes never get old. In case you didn’t know, there was a running joke in the show where Kenny keeps dying and in the next episode, he is alive and well (inspired by a classmate the creators knew who was always late, making them joke around saying he is dead) He has been run over, shot, crushed, stabbed, blown up, eaten by rats, and has been killed many more hilarious ways. He has died 126 times according to Wikipedia, and even though they stopped the running joke and now Kenny barely shows up in the show, it was still some of the funniest stuff on South Park to this day.


In a show where characters can do pretty much anything awful, it’s nice to have a down-to-earth, well-meaning character in the show that can still have his funny moments. South Park is a show that can contrast between many different points of view. The idiotic parents, the innocent kids, and the level-headed adults (like Chef) can make better jokes and commentary on controversial topics. When there is something ridiculous happening in South Park, Chef is one of those people who try to talk some sense, while still being very funny. Sadly, the actor (Isaac Hayes) would quit the role after South Park decided to make fun of his religion in “Trapped in The Closet”, so he was killed off and his absence has been felt to this day.


As I said, South Park likes to take the point of view of innocent kids to make a point about something, and Butters is the most innocent character on South Park. He may not be the smartest character, but he is definitely the nicest, and for that reason, he is oblivious to everything that happens, which can be pretty funny.


Coming from the most innocent kid to this monster, Cartman is a complete psychopath who has no empathy for anybody. He has caused more crimes in 300 episodes than Homer Simpson has in 600 and is probably the worst human being in cartoon history, which is probably why he is so entertaining to watch. For whatever reason, he is a character you can easily root for because he does seem to care about his friends to some extent. It’s honestly just fun to see what horrible thing he is going to plot next. Either that be rigging the US elections or destroying San Francisco, it’s always fun to watch.

4-Mr. Macky

Who here has watched South Park and immediately started quoting Mr. Macky? I hear someone say his catchphrase almost every week. Besides that point, he is just really fun to watch. From his giant head to his quotable catchphrases, he has slowly become one of my favorite characters in South Park. They even did an entire episode about him in Season 25, "Back to the Cold War", which is honestly my favorite episode from that season (Mostly because of the Putin cameo which I just find really funny). So one of my favorite characters of the series, which has gotten better over time.

3-Officer Barbrady

If you thought Chief Wiggum was stupid, this guy can’t even read. The fact that he even has a job is honestly hilarious. He is absolutely useless and completely ignores when there’s a problem. But unlike other cops who are completely racist, Officer Barbrady is actually trying to do good, he just happens to be extremely stupid. He steals every scene he’s in and definitely deserved to be on the show longer.

2-Randy Marsh

Randy is a character that has changed quite a bit from the first season to now. He started off as a simple dad, started obsessing over stuff like fistfights and the food channel, and then became a weed farmer. Out of all the characters of South Park, Randy feels the most fleshed-out. Something about his character-development from a caring dad to an over-the-top cartoon character feels natural. He is honestly one of my favorite characters in tv show history. Every episode in my opinion is 60% better when he is in it and his tendency to take stuff way too seriously makes him extremely funny to watch. I had a hard time choosing if he should be number 1, but at the same time there is a character in the show that has made me laugh more times than any other character. Speaking of which…

1-Mr. Garrison

I would not want this person to be my teacher. Mr. Garrison is a self-obsessing moron who technically became Donald Trump, almost started World War 3, killed many people, and is the cause of many hilarious situations. His insecurities always make him do over-the-top things that surpass Cartman and Randy combined. His outbursts are always funny, and he is one of those characters who gets funnier with every episode. There is no other way to put it, he is just the funniest character from the show. He is always given the best moments of every episode and his transformation from a teacher to an angry politician to Donald Trump to a self-obsessed teacher again is so hilarious to watch, so he is, in my opinion, the best South Park character of all time.


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